Tuesday, August 22, 2006


School Boy Dave "You mean today is Saturday?"

Davy has been in school for over a week now and likes it a lot. He even wanted to go to school on the weekend! He rides the bus to and fro now and likes that too. He was a bit worried about riding in the morning, but yesterday we put him on the bus at 7:00AM and he was just fine.

I've been busy grubbing out mesquite trees with the loader. Sometimes it just cuts them off at about 6" deep, but often it pulls the tap root out. Just a little tree can have a tap root 6' or so long. There are so many mesquite in the coastal bermuda field that it looks like giant hogs have been digging it up. In the spring I'll run the disk over it and fertilize. With any luck we will get some good spring rain and the grass will grow back fast.

Two of the large bearings on the disk plow have gone out. I pulled them off yesterday, a tough job on a hot day. I needed to get it changed because I'll need it to go over the wheat field to get it ready to plant.

Sunday, August 20, 2006



I returned from my vacation in New York Sunday the 13th and have been playing catchup since. I had a good time visiting with my siblings and their families. I had a great time with each of them and want to thank them all for their hospitality.

Davy started school Monday the 14th, his first day in kindergarten. He did great. We tried to make it easier for him by driving him to school and picking him up the first few days. I then had the bus bring him home in the evening. Tomorrow he will begin to ride to and from school on the bus. He likes school and wanted to know why he couldn't go on the weekend. I hope he continues to like it.

It does rain in August sometimes. We received about an inch from this last system that moved through. It was a nice break from the hot weather, but it is now back in the 100s. 109 in Abilene Friday the 18th. It did make the ground soft enough so I could plow and I've been out working on the wheat field. Davy rode with me Friday evening and yesterday.

The papoose is doing well and growing. The picture is of Lara and her.

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